Archive | October, 2011

Ghosties and Goblins

31 Oct

Happy Halloween (all the way from Madrid)!

Weekend Wishes

29 Oct

I Have Got Some Big News

28 Oct

I barely believe this myself but next week I am beginning a new job at a public school in Madrid (and also moving into an apartment in the city)!

Leaving the house here in Pozuelo (and the three little beans) will be very, very difficult but I am thrilled (actually I am two parts thrilled and one part terrified) to begin a new adventure.

One Million Things

27 Oct

I feel like I have about one million things to accomplish in the next few days.  But instead of panicking (what I really should be doing right now) I have been eating too many Tootsie Pops and thinking about Halloween costumes.  And spending time with the three beans and Nicolás!

Weekend Wishes

22 Oct

A Feel Better Friday

21 Oct

I woke up today with a sore throat and have spent the morning practicing every sore throat remedy I have ever heard of: peppermint tea with honey, Vitamin C tablets, and a gargle of lemon water with salt.  I just so do not want to feel sick!

In hopes of improving my mood (and inspired by Emily) I also compiled a little list of things that have made me happy this week.

1.  Autumn, finally arriving in Madrid

2.  And a pumpkin garland to encourage my Halloween excitement!

3.  Fresh mangos from Málaga

4.  Small traditions, like watching Jersey Shore with Kelsey and eating chocolate sandwich cookies

5.  Reminiscing about childhood books, Anne of Green Gables was one of my favorites (Anne gets up to all kinds of shenanigans, she dyes her hair green)!

Baby, It’s Brisk Outside!

19 Oct

The weather has turned chilly this week and Almu and Inés came to the dinner table very bundle up last night!  I am not complaining about the weather though, not one little bit–it’s a refreshing change to pull on long pants and scarves!

Racing Through the Weekend

18 Oct

Sometimes I feel as if the week is a slow, even trot and the weekend a breakneck sprint (filled with rides on the metro, trips to museums, and dinners out in the city)!

I spent Friday night and Saturday morning at home in Pozuelo with the three little beans and then escaped the house to have a girly afternoon with Kelsey!

On Sunday morning Santi and I explored the Chamberí metro station (which is now a museum)!  It was so, so neat (and only a little bit spooky)!

I am gathering up my forces this week and looking forward to another busy weekend…

So Stuffed

17 Oct

On Sunday Pitu hosted a lunch at her house in Salamanca.  We noshed on chorizo, ham, olives, cheese, squid in its own ink (which is not an especially photogenic dish), and chocolates.  It was all absolutely delicious!

Censored for Sweetness

14 Oct

This morning Nicolás and I stopped at the Park with Rocks and then made our way back to the urba–he has a few new friends he is getting to know little by little.  Today Ana came out to play with us and Nicolás planted a kiss on her chubby little cheek!  It was almost too sweet to be allowed!

The sun is shining in Madrid and today is Friday!